Sunday, November 12, 2017

Writing For Ross...With My Soul and My Heart

What I am going to say is private, something that's for my own spiritual growth, both for myself, and as part of a couple.

I am choosing to share it, because I sense Ross wishes it.

He knows many of you are hurting same as I am in these last days of Ascension. And he wants you to know help is on the way.

First things first, he picks this song. Michael Bublé just gets the ache in my soul 'right'-- just to set the tone.

It was important to Ross that we both share the song with you.

The next part is a lesson for me from a hawk.

We get them in our neighborhood. Just last weekend, I saw one land in a tree, and we regarded each other from a distance for some time.

A few days ago, it was after work, I was just overwhelmed, and I saw the familiar silhouette in the sky, and the familiar shrill cry.

Hawk landed on a branch right above me this time, about sixty feet up.

I admired the red-tailed hawk.

I sensed it wanted to communicate with me.

I relaxed.

Hawks don't 'talk' like humans. They are telepathic, and their telepathy is very direct and to the point.

Hawk acknowledged how upsetting it is to me to have an invisible partner and Twin. How there seems to be no control over the situation, with me here and Ross in the Higher Realms.

In saying this, Hawk acknowledge my discomfort for my whole time line with Ross, not just 'here and now', for in fact, Here IS Now, it simply IS.

Then Hawk said what he wanted to say and I needed to hear. He explained how although Ross isn't here for me in the ways I understand, in the ways that are important he's doing all the right things and has been doing so for a long time.

Hawk implied that I can count on Ross. He's a good man. And Hawk told me, as one who can 'see'--what I can't, in order to comfort me.

Then, Hawk did the strangest thing.

He moved a little behind some of the leaves where I couldn't see him.

I felt Hawk, and his energy, even though I couldn't see. Hawk stayed there a long time, long enough for me to get the hang of it that Hawk is just as close to me, and able to love and communicate with me, whether I see him or not.

Then Hawk flew away.

In acknowledging your discomfort with this whole Ascension process, I want to share a few things.

The skies have very large cloud ships which are just barely cloaked.

This is keeping me going.

It is my hope and my prayer they keep uncloaking a little more and more each day.

I don't feel their energy yet. But the visions are magnificent.

The news stories keep coming, and now I'm starting to see 'movement' in my friends--regular old not exactly Ground Crew friends who are posting things on the latest scandals, helping to expose the pedophiles and what is 'hidden'.

I also saw one where a state is suing the Joint Commission (JHCAO) for being in cahoots with Big Pharma on the opioids, back in the day when they mandated for pain to be the 'fifth vital sign' when I was early in my training. (I still think it's organized and planned to cause the opioid epidemic, it's deliberate, not just a greed crime but a smoking gun for Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart).

I also see if I were to quit, I have many leads on medical professionals who would love to learn Reiki. This I would love to teach. I'm not sure how Spirit will guide me, but I can see the jump and I'm letting Spirit help me get into position to make my move when the time is right.

I honestly feel AFTER Ascension makes more sense, because then people will have the freedom and the time to study. It's really more in Creator's hands, though, and I'm going along with whatever purpose and plan that is out there for me.

This is sack cloth.

It is torn.

Those of you who know your Bible are going to have a sense where this topic is going.

As Gaia Sophia, there's something that needs to be said, and it is going to be said.

Unpleasant as it is, the pedophile satanic cancer which has spread across the earth, needs to be front and center of Gaia's human inhabitant's awareness. 

It isn't an 'oh! look at THEM, Those Nasty People and see what they did!'...


It's an 'oh! look at the horrible nightmare which has overtaken the Earth! Please Creator of All that Is save us!'

I'm talking tearing the clothes, wearing the sack cloth, and emotionally baring it all to Creator of All That Is...for example, to count your blessings and to spend a moment in silent prayer for all those who have been sacrificed and eaten by Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart.

Or perhaps, an accurate knowledge of what and how they are damaging the earth--with terrible technology that is hidden--and really stopping to think about how by the grace of the Divine we haven't been annihilated yet as a species!

After the clearing and releasing of your own traumatic past hurts and misunderstandings and pain you have carried with you incarnation after incarnation, it's time to step up to the plate and acknowledge the 'Elephant in the Room' of satanic ritual abuse--and to say a great big 'oh SHIT!' and realize how close a call it really is right now, and I am not joking.

I know, I know, as a single mom who works full time, life is painful enough. I'm burning the candle at both ends just to survive, and I know many of you are too.

I know, I know the prospect of having to 'clean out the attic' in your soul, and to cleanse and release all your unhappy memories which are holding you back, on TOP of the day to day,  it like, a lot to deal with and many people don't want to deal with it. So they don't.

And to consider making some kind of connection between the situation at hand--how we can't help but contribute to it (using gasoline, encroaching on habitat of wild animals, etc, etc.)--how Spiritual things are REAL and Divine Intervention is needed to bail us out--and how we can show Divine Creator we mean business when we talk like this--perhaps we compost, we recycle, we do SOMETHING that takes a little effort to help move things away from the cliff...the huge drop-off on the road ahead of us...we open our hearts and souls and are able to better assist with the whole Ascension process.

Do we need REAL sackcloth and ashes and to tear our clothes?

No. Because that's not in our culture.

Do we need to really face things as they are, in our own culture?  Yes we do.

The Amish took a stand against The Powers That Be. Just compare them to us and you will see the effects of years and years of planning by Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart. We have shifted from 'more wholesome' (not to say the Amish are perfect) to 'less wholesome' in two hundred years or so.

Gaia wants you to be honest with Her. About everything. You are Her child. She's not in good shape. She doesn't want to say goodbye to you any more than you want to say goodbye to her. Or just plain say 'goodbye'! The situation is such that emergency first responders from all over the galaxy are here to help. And help is taking place.

Gaia wants you to think about it, the enormity of the situation, and as you do, others around you will start to wake up because of your energy.

We are alive here on Earth only because of the mercy of Divine Creator. Every breath we take is almost like living on borrowed time. It's that bad.

The good is on the way. A lot of people worked very hard to bring it to us. It's because of Divine Love and Divine Law they are here working.

It might take some time, but really make the effort to let it sink in. And then clear and release anything that 'comes up' in the process. <3

I stumbled across a metaphysical secret.

Act As If!

There's a super strong way to jerry-rig the laws of Divine Creation in the Universe.

It's simple.

And it's FREE.

Give thanks for something you want to happen, as if it has ALREADY happened, before it ever does!

Thank you Heavenly Creator for bringing us Home safely back to the loving embrace of our Star Family and for freeing us from all the dense energies in duality.  THANK YOU!

A huge part of my healing has been Ross. He's been very near, and very close. Last night I fell asleep in his arms. His energy was  holding me very close. 

Midday today, I heard him say, 'I want to spend some time with my wife.'

It was a combination of a request and a command.

I obeyed.

I put the timer on, and lay on the couch. 

It's hard to explain...I'm a little 'different' I suppose from what meets the eye. Yes I am a very 'liberated' woman, a single mom, with a high responsibility job in a traditionally masculine field within the area of medicine. I work in the O.R. 

But I am not masculine!

I am highly, highly feminine in my nature. Not an 'I fit in the woman box' society says type of feminine.

I am spiritually feminine, in my soul!

I explained to Ross how he is like the setting and I am the jewel--I can't be put to my best use alone without him and his Divine Masculine Energy to surround me and protect me. 

Then I can relax.

It takes a strong soul like Ross to take charge every once in a while to keep me content and feeling healthy and whole. 

So I lay there, and he held me tight, and told me everything is going to be okay with this whole Ascension thing.

I know it. I don't know how it is going to happen or when, and in my bones I KNOW it's true.

It just IS.

 This isn't a flying saucer.  It's a colander. From what I understand in today's Saul message, a lot of the reason for the victory of our team, is that there's all kinds of energy from our 'friends in the skies' coursing through us at any given moment.

Because of my healings I send out to millions of people, every day, for free, and all of my spiritual work--I get a lot of energy flowing out of me.

As people are awakening, I find they are draining my energy a little more--as  a collective not as individuals--and it's like I keep getting more holes in my colander. 

So it's like being a little 'behind' on fluids in the O.R., only in this case, it's a little behind in the energy, and with a little effort I can catch up.

Remember as Reiki trained healers, you are the straws through which the Reiki flows.

It doesn't come from us.

It flows THROUGH us, and into our patient/client.

We always get a little 'contact healing' ourselves when we open to the Reiki. A little of the energy flow--which is provided by Source and directed to us by our Reiki Guides who are not incarnate--sticks with us as it flows through us to the recipient.

I think that's why this is a done deal on the Ascension thing.

Strongest vibration wins.

And our little straws are connected to Source--Creator of all that is--Divine Mother and Divine Father.

That's how the Schumann resonance of Gaia has mysteriously gone UP. (I personally think it's more of a result of the mergings, removing the lower, denser energies--as well as 'our team' versus 'theirs' of 'helpers')...

I cannot stress the importance of filling your own cup enough.

Even today, when I made my bracelets. I made several.

Only after I fixed some broken ones for me first. It's not good chi to have it all stagnant and broken and not fixed!

Time and again remind yourself to Put Your Own Oxygen On First.

I know healing is fun and it's easy to jump into it.

The healing is better if you put your own oxygen on first--just like in the airplane. <3

For me, the ability to create, is very invigorating. I do well while I am creating a bracelet or jewelry with total freedom.  It helps.

Ross is wanting me to write at night so I'm not late for work.

So dear, my Beloved, thank you for really making your presence felt in my life. Thank you and all your teams for empowering us and encouraging us every single day. Thank you for doing all the 'right things' Hawk mentioned, that I can't see.

Ross wants me to talk about my healing.

This is private too.

I can't remember the things anymore, the bad things I did when I was in my immediate past life as a an MK Ultra 'beta kitten' child prostitute.  I recall asking the last time things were coming up, to please take the memories away. And you did.

Bless you. I can't think of them if I try. Perhaps a vague sense 'something happened' but that's it.

I've come a long way in healing from that horrible life! I'm most thankful for this.

Both of us are really, really looking forward to our being together without the Veil!

Ross wants to mention that if you are struggling with multiple personality disorder or ritual abuse or MK Ultra, your journey is 'enough' and you don't have to risk triggering yourself with the ashes and sackcloth meditations. He says your being here is 'enough' and he thanks you for your courage and your faith in all things of Home--nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. And you shall have your fill of it at the coming place and time.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple