Friday, March 17, 2017


It takes tremendous pressure and force and heat to create a diamond.

Otherwise it would be like carbon--as in graphite or coal.

I tell myself this as I start my day.

As call ten, I don't get the late start we get in on Friday's in the main O.R.  My boss assigned me to the surgery center. I will most likely get a full day, even though I should be one of the first people to go home if I worked in the main O.R. And furthermore, there is a good chance I will be the one who closes the place, at the end of the day, and can't leave the facility until the last patient is discharged to their home.

My son is going to need a tremendous amount of care this morning.

He went to school yesterday. I had to put on his shoes and socks. It was such a late day, I skipped my bowl of cereal. I had to take my coffee and a cookie/fig bar in the car. My boy ate. But I had to pack lunches, feed pets, and load the car because he can't lift anything.

Fortunately for me, yesterday, my surgeon was late, like by thirty minutes.

At the surgery center this isn't the case. And I must get ready for my day.

The only thing that helped me yesterday was my vivianite. It is a rare stone. you have to watch because it's a blue color that will turn black when exposed to too much light. Vivianite helps you to feel beautiful.

During the delay I was able to put on a little makeup, something I rarely have time to do, because in my locker I have a little palette there. It made a huge difference when I could look my best.

I was sleepy. Very sleepy. Especially in the radiology part where I gave anesthesia.

But I got through. Last night I finished my last case at eight p.m., came home, and helped with the meltdowns Anthony was having over his homework.

Teachers are cruel now. Even if you are sick, your extension isn't very much, and it's easy to fall behind. The back pain, the first day back at school, was enough. But he's facing zeros on the assignments.

I gave the sitter and Anthony my famous 'Tang' jello, which was made with gelatin and Tang orange powder drink. It was weak, but I was trying to cheer everyone up and they appreciated it.

What stopped me in my tracks is my sitter's tale of her day.

She doesn't have a car. On our day, she gets to borrow one of her Aunt's.

But she is going to school. I actually paid for it, and she's working it off. There was another who was going to pay for it if she would work for him for two years. I sensed trouble and so did she. So I forwarded her the tuition. She's been going to school since October.

I didn't realize she has to take the bus to get to school.

She has to wake up at five a.m. to take the buses to get to her school in time for her eight o'clock class!

Then after school, at two-thirty, she has to take the buses back home, but then she walks to her home, picks up the car, and drives to pick up my son.

Out of all the people who know Anthony, she was the most deeply affected by his injury. She wanted to say she loves him, and that he's going to be okay. I tried to call, but she was at school. I sent a text telling her what happened. She called me immediately back. 

I was like, 'Wow!' I thought my day was tough, when I found out about her taking the bus.

Over the almost flavorless jello, Anthony shared his day (it was hard) and I shared mine (it was hard too. I ate pizza while walking--only two slices--of the pizza that magically showed up in the nurses lounge. It was cold. I had one piece at four and one at eight. I did this to save my own two pieces of pizza in my lunch in the fridge for Anthony's lunch today.)

Anyhow, I must go to get him ready. He needs more help than you might think. He was exhausted last night. I helped him with his science, and then read aloud from the Red Badge of Courage two chapters. He had trouble taking notes and reading it because of the archaic language. When I added color and read aloud, he had no problem taking notes but slumped over with his head on my shoulder because he couldn't stay awake any more.

Here in the states it's a 'party day'.

I'm glad I'm going to be out of the hospital, not on call, and able to just rest.


You are my diamonds.

All of you.

Not just Carla.

(gestures with his hand pushing down--and twisting--almost like squeezing an orange for juice--ed)

You take tremendous pressure and what do you get?

The finest gold.

The brightest diamonds with a perfect cut who reflect the light with a fire and dazzle as is no other.

And the finest smiles (he points with his fingers to the corners of his mouth--ed)

It's never too late and smiles will always help with EVERYTHING!

Be sure to smile at your loved ones today too.

A genuine smile.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple